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Club Constitution

Each year the Club’s constitution is ratified by its members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The following constitution was adopted and agreed by Aces Netball Club at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of 1 April 2024 as a current operating guide regulating the actions of the club and its members.


All adults connected with the club have a statutory duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of young and vulnerable people in netball. Safeguarding children goes much wider than simply protecting them from neglect and abuse. It is also about keeping them safe from accidents, crime, bullying and actively promoting their welfare in a healthy and safe environment. Being involved in sport can bring many positives to a person and it is also an environment where young people can find friends and role models.We want our young people to get the most they can from their involvement in the sport and in order for this to happen we provide guidance for all volunteers, adults members and parents linked to the club.

All club members responsible for groups of young people (undertaking regulated activity) i.e. Team Managers, Coaches and Committee Members have up to date DBS checks in place.

The club’s Designated Safeguarding Lead [DSL] and Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO) Sharron Lewis Burke – Head Coach.

England Netball also provides guidance through the ENjoy, ENtrust, ENsure pages of the their website to help recognise and respond to the most frequently occurring issues and sign-posts to the numerous support organisations which can provide the expert help needed with the complex issues facing young people today. Organisations which are accessible to young people are included so that they have the option to take action to help themselves, or if you are a young netballer needing some help we encourage you to use them.

If you need further advice, please contact the club’s safegaurding lead or England Netball on 01462 442344 or by email

Visit the Anti Bullying Alliance website.

Read England Netball’s Safeguarding Young People In Netball Policy

Social Media & Privacy

All members of Aces Netball Club must read and agree to abide by the expectations of England Netball’s social media policy. All members must also be aware and share in our commitment to protecting the privacy of our members and community.

Read England Netball Social Media Policy

You will be asked to complete our Social Media Acceptable Use and Photography Use Agreement as part of our membership process. In addition we will require you to read our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement.

Health & Safety

At Aces Netball Club we take Health and Safety very seriously and make our best effort to ensure all our courts and environments are fit for exercise and play. However; it is every member’s responsibility to abide by the code of conduct of the club, take care and and stay vigilant, taking action to mitigate hazards should they arise.

Aces Netball Club Established since April 2019

  • @acenetballclubuk
  • @acesnetbal
  • Aces Netball Club
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